After being review by my favorite artist on NG, (AloysiusRexford, check him out he's awesome) I'm finally starting to realize how bad the sounds in my music are. What makes it worse is that I can't go online and download ANYTHING. My computer has a total, yes TOTAL memory space, of 4 g.b. The number should speak for itself.
So as I sit here...typing out my frustration of the piece of crap I make music on...I can't help but wonder does it really matter if I find sounds outside of FL...?
Nevermind, that's a stupid question.
But then I have to ponder, for how long will my songs sound mediocre, or like crap, because of the fact that I can't venture out and get new sounds?
In that case will I ever really get better at making music? Because I honestly don't think so.
It's bad enough that I have to deal with the FL preset sounds for drums, (which drives me freakin' nuts) but it won't take long until everything I put out is PLAYED out because of the fact that I'll be using the same sounds over and over and over and over...
Man, I can't help but BE pissed off.
And you bet your anus that I am!