As of late, I've been depressed (or so I think).
Listening to other songs, and comparing them to mine, I feel like I'm not improving and people are leaving me in the dust.
And I told myself that the object of making music wasn't to please others but to please myself...
I know that if my music makes me feel good then it will most defintely make someone else feel good.
Yet I just can't shake my competitive nature, no matter HOW HARD I want to.
I know I don't suck at making music...I'm surely not the best, oh no, faaaaaaaaaaaar from it...
But why is it that I feel that when it comes to interacting with the one thing close to my heart...
It's useless?
And no matter how hard I'll try to work to become better...
I won't?
I think it's highschool...This stupid school is driving me nuts.
That kind of thing happens to me every few months, though not necessarily about music. Just try to be yourself and you'll snap out of it.